Howard Family Reunion: Dudley Farm, Cedar Creek, Cumberland County, NC,
October 8, 2005
Vicki and Duke pause for the camera
Foot-stomp'n music from our band
Ruby, let me serenade you
A duo now accompanies the band
This exercise soon would be rewarded with a good chow line!
If Ann had on her dark shades, we could caption this as "The Blues Sisters"
Verna and Cathy (or is it Kathy?) discuss respective recent trips to the Smoky Mountains
Coincidentally, both were at Fontana Dam just days a part.
Claudia makes a point with Larry while Mike and Savannah seem preoccupied.
Duke appears to be in charge of this discussion.
Helen greets Claudia Elizabeth with Ann in the background.
Ann, Ruby and Verna enjoying a lighter moment.
Tom and Cathy (or is it Kathy?)
Someone has Savannah's attention and it is not Dad's.
It must have been mom. Here they are: Vicki, Mike and Savannah.
Left to right: Verna, Clark, Claudia Elizabeth
Dereck with Ruby and Noah
Grayson fielding grounders from his dad.
What a throw! Take that, Dad!
Photo courtesy of Carolyn S. Reed
If you wish to match a face with a name, go back to the Howard web page and click on 2005 Reunion Group Photo ID's
Left to right: Claudia, Tom, Carolyn, Ed, Ruby, & Dereck with son Noah in stroller.
Kim and Verna are in far background.